Tea for Teaching Episodes featuring several Pedagogies of Care contributors

Posted July 22, 2020
tea for teaching podcast

The Tea for Teaching podcast is a series of informal discussions on innovative and effective practices in teaching and learning. This podcast series is hosted by John Kane (an economist) and Rebecca Mushtare (a graphic designer). John and Rebecca run the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching at the State University of New York at Oswego.


145: Pedagogies of Care: Ungrading
144. Pedagogies of Care: Evidence-based Practices – Michelle Miller
143. Pedagogies of Care: Creativity – Natasha Haugnes and Martin Springborg
142. Pedagogies of Care: Equity and Inclusion – Cyndi Kernahan and Kevin Gannon
141.Pedagogies of Care: Students as Humans – Sarah Rose Cavanagh and Josh Eyler
140. Pedagogies of Care: Nerd Edition – Jessamyn Neuhaus
139. Pedagogies of Care: Digital Reading – Jenae Cohn
138. Pedagogies of Care: UDL – Tom Tobin

Posted in Open Resources